Private Sub GE_Tidy()

'This procedure tidies up the GE interface

'The input parameters are:

'       None

'Notes on this procedure:

'       None

    'Flag GE not launched
    GE_status_launched = False
    'Flag GE range, bearing and tilt are not changing
    GE_status_changing = False

    'Flag GE vessels network link has not been established
    GE_status_networklink = False
    'Flush name of last chart overlaid on GE
    GE_last_chart = ""
    'Flag GE chart update not required
    GE_status_chart_update = 0
    'Flag GE vessel update not required
    GE_status_vessel_update = 0

    'Disable GE_interrogate timer
    GE_interrogate.Enabled = False
    'Disable GE_kill_fetch_error timer
    GE_kill_fetch_error.Enabled = False
    'Initialize latitude and longitude to which GE view was last moved
    GE_view_last_lat = 91
    GE_view_last_long = 0

End Sub