Public Sub GE_Load()

'This procedure loads the GE interface

'The input parameters are:

'       None

'Notes on this procedure:

'       o The GE_... procedures use the Google Earth API, which is embedded in
'         googleearth.exe (typically at C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth) - at
'         the time of writing, this API is documented at:
'       o Amongst other things, the GE_... procedures create and send kml files
'         to GE - at the time of writing, the kml specification is documented at:
'       o To access the API, install Google Earth at version 4.0.2416 or later then:
'           [VB5] > [Project] > [References...] > [Browse...] > [Files of type: *.exe]
'           > navigate to: [C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth\googleearth.exe]
'           > double click it, resulting in [Earth 1.0 Type Library] being checked
'           in [Available References:] > [OK]
'       o To view the properties and methods exposed:
'           [VB5] > [View] > [Object Browser] > [<All Libraries>] > [EARTHLib]
'       o The subset of Google Earth API properties and methods used in the
'         GE_... procedures are summarised as follows:
'             ---------------------------
'             GoogleEarth API
'             Library EARTHLib
'                 Earth 1.0 Type Library
'             ---------------------------
'             Class ApplicationGE
'                 Function GetMainHwnd() As Long
'                         comment: see GE_Load
'                 Function IsInitialized() As Long
'                         comment: see GE_Load
'                 Function GetCamera(considerTerrain As Long) As CameraInfoGE
'                         comment: see GE_Load, GE_interrogate_Timer, must
'                                  set considerTerrain to True
'                 Sub SetCamera(camera As CameraInfoGE, speed As Double)
'                         comment: see GE_Update_Chart, GE_Update_Vessel
'                 Sub OpenKmlFile(fileName As String, suppressMessages As Long)
'                         comment: see GE_Update_Vessel, GE_Flush,
'                                  GE_Update_Chart
'             ---------------------------
'             Class CameraInfoGE
'                 Property Azimuth As Double
'                         comment: see GE_interrogate_Timer, GE_Update_Chart,
'                                  GE_Update_Vessel, aka heading or bearing
'                 Property FocusPointLatitude As Double
'                         comment: see GE_Update_Chart, GE_Update_Vessel
'                 Property FocusPointLongitude As Double
'                         comment: see GE_Update_Chart, GE_Update_Vessel
'                 Property Range As Double
'                         comment: see GE_Load, GE_interrogate_Timer,
'                                  GE_Update_Chart, GE_Update_Vessel
'                 Property Tilt As Double
'                         comment: see GE_interrogate_Timer, GE_Update_Chart,
'                                  GE_Update_Vessel


    'Reset everything
    Call GE_Tidy


'Check if the GE executable has the GetCamera method, indicating GE is at version
'4.0.2416 or later...


'Note Note Note
'There has to be a more elegant way to do this - had a look for a Windows API call
'that would do the job to no avail - the impact is minimal because this procedure is
'called sparingly and the GE executable is only about 60K - still any suggestions
'gladly accepted

    'If GE version unknown...
    If GE_ver_OK = 0 Then
        'Open GE executable
        File_xge = FreeFile
        Open GE_exe For Binary As #File_xge
        'Set up buffer
        a$ = Space(LOF(File_xge))
        'Suck GE executable into buffer
        Get #File_xge, , a$
        'Close GE executable
        Close #File_xge
        'Drop out if the GE API doesn't have the GetCamera method
        If InStr(a$, "GetCamera") = 0 Then GoSub OLD_GE
        'Flag GE version as OK
        GE_ver_OK = 1

    End If

'Initialize GE range, bearing and tilt...


    'Some C_wiz co-existence code here, setting up initial range, bearing and tilt
    GE_range = ...
    GE_bearing = ...
    GE_tilt = ...
    'Initialize latitude and longitude to which GE view was last moved
    GE_view_last_lat = 91
    GE_view_last_long = 0

'Launch GE...

    'Flush any old references, just in case
    Set GE_interface = Nothing
    Set GE_interface_view = Nothing
    'Set up error handler
    On Error GoTo BAD_GE
    'This will launch the sucker
    Set GE_interface = CreateObject("GoogleEarth.ApplicationGE")
    Set GE_interface_view = CreateObject("GoogleEarth.CameraInfoGE")
    'Loop forever...
        'Let the system have control
        'Quit loop if GE initialized
        If GE_interface.IsInitialized Then Exit Do
    'Turn default error handling back on
    On Error GoTo 0

    'Get handle of main GE window
    GE_main_window_handle = GE_interface.GetMainHwnd
    'If GE window characteristics known
    If GE_savewindow_flags <> -32000 Then

        'Set up WINDOWPLACEMENT data type
        wp.Length = Len(wp)
        'Load it with known characteristics
        wp.flags = GE_savewindow_flags
        wp.showCmd = GE_savewindow_showCmd
        wp.ptMinPosition.X = GE_savewindow_ptMinPositionX
        wp.ptMinPosition.Y = GE_savewindow_ptMinPositionY
        wp.ptMaxPosition.X = GE_savewindow_ptMaxPositionX
        wp.ptMaxPosition.Y = GE_savewindow_ptMaxPositionY
        wp.rcNormalPosition.Left = GE_savewindow_rcNormalPosition_Left
        wp.rcNormalPosition.Top = GE_savewindow_rcNormalPosition_Top
        wp.rcNormalPosition.Bottom = GE_savewindow_rcNormalPosition_Bottom
        wp.rcNormalPosition.Right = GE_savewindow_rcNormalPosition_Right
        'Fire at GE
        rc& = SetWindowPlacement(GE_main_window_handle, wp)
    End If
    'Flag GE not temporarily minimized...
    GE_status_temp_minimize = False

    'Give it 2 GE latency periods to settle down
    Call Sleeper(2 * GE_latency)
    'Flag GE launched
    GE_status_launched = True
    'Update GE chart
    Call GE_Update_Chart
    'Update GE vessels
    Call GE_Update_Vessel
    'Enable GE_interrogate timer
    GE_interrogate.Enabled = True
    'Enable GE_kill_fetch_error timer
    GE_kill_fetch_error.Enabled = True
    'Tidy up
    GoSub TIDYUP

'This GOSUB handles a GE error...


    'Turn default error handling back on
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Generate a message
    a$ = "Error during Google Earth load" + vbCr
    rc& = MsgBox(a$, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Map GE Interface")

    'Tidy up
    GoSub TIDYUP

'This GOSUB handles an old version of GE...


    'Turn default error handling back on
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Generate a message
    a$ = "Google Earth version must be 4.0.2416 or later" + vbCr
    rc& = MsgBox(a$, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Map GE Interface")
    'Flag GE version as NOK
    GE_ver_OK = 2

'This GOSUB tidies up...


    'Some C_wiz co-existence code here, hiding splash screens, repositioning windows,
    'setting some flags etc

End Sub