'Make a temporary GE .kml file
    File_xkm = FreeFile
    Open mydirectory + "C_wiz GE temp.kml" For Output As File_xkm
    Close #File_xkm

    'Get the GE executable name
    GE_exe = Space$(1024)
    rc& = FindExecutable(mydirectory + "C_wiz GE temp.kml", "", GE_exe)

    'Delete the temporary .kml file
    Kill mydirectory + "C_wiz GE temp.kml"
    'For all possible chars in GE executable name, starting at end...
    For i% = 1024 To 1 Step -1
        'Quit loop if non-terminator and non-blank char found
        If Mid$(GE_exe, i%, 1) <> Chr$(0) And Mid$(GE_exe, i%, 1) <> " " Then Exit For
    'Trim GE executable name
    GE_exe = Left$(GE_exe, i%)
    'For all chars in GE executable name...
    For i% = 1 To Len(GE_exe)
        'Replace any terminator chars with blank chars (see Microsoft KB article
        If Mid$(GE_exe, i%, 1) = Chr$(0) Then Mid$(GE_exe, i%, 1) = " "

    'If GE executable name found...
    If GE_exe <> "" Then
        'If GE executable not found...
        If Dir(GE_exe) = "" Then
            'Flush GE executable name
            GE_exe = ""

        End If
    End If