'This goes in declarations
Public GE_interface_temp_places_folder As Object    'GE interface Temporary Places folder object
Public GE_interface_temp_places_collection As Object    'GE interface Temporary Places folder contents object
Public GE_interface_temp_places_child As Object 'GE interface Temporary Places folder item object
    'This goes in GE_Load
    Set GE_interface_temp_places_folder = CreateObject("GoogleEarth.FeatureGE")
    Set GE_interface_temp_places_collection = CreateObject("GoogleEarth.FeatureCollectionGE")
    Set GE_interface_temp_places_child = CreateObject("GoogleEarth.FeatureGE")

'Rest goes in GE_Send_Kml
'       Kml_file = name of kml file
'       Internal_name = internal name of kml file (as defined by <name>...</name>)
'       Accept_state = flag to indicate if this function is to wait for the kml file
'                      to appear in GE's Temporary Places folder (True) or disappear
'                      (False)

    'Save millisecs since PC turned on for loop timing
    lasttick& = GetTickCount
    'Loop until GE accepts kml file or 10 GE latency periods have elapsed...
    Do While Abs(GetTickCount - lasttick&) < 10 * GE_latency
        'Give GE a chance to digest it
        Call Make_DoEvents

        'Get Temporary Places folder
        Set GE_interface_temp_places_folder = GE_interface.GetTemporaryPlaces

        'Get Temporary Places folder contents
        Set GE_interface_temp_places_collection = GE_interface_temp_places_folder.GetChildren

        'For each item in Temporary Places folder...
        For i% = 1 To GE_interface_temp_places_collection.Count

            'Get Temporary Places folder item
            Set GE_interface_temp_places_child = GE_interface_temp_places_collection.Item(i%)

            'If kml file internal name found in Temporary Places folder...
            If GE_interface_temp_places_child.Name = Internal_name Then

                'Flag kml file found
                kml_found% = True
                'Quit loop
                Exit For
            End If
        'If kml file internal name has appeared in or disappeared from Temporary
        'Places folder (as flagged by Accept_state)...
        If kml_found% = Accept_state Then
            'Flag acceptance wait has been successful
            GE_Send_Kml = True
            'Quit loop
            Exit Do
        End If